This subject is under development and will become available in 2022. It looks to provide a diverse range of resources for students who wish to delve deeply into the subject area.
The following quote is taken from the Basic Guidelines for Teachers booklet:
‘The beginners are introduced to the outer sheath of the body in the standing asanas and they learn the live dissection of their own body. The arms and legs, fingers and toes, wrists and ankles, elbows and knees, arm sockets and leg sockets become close friends of each other and guide the practitioner to reach inward. Here, the inward journey of the practitioner begins’.
The standing asanas break the tamasic, inert, lazy nature of the body and bring activeness in the practitioner. The practitioner becomes accustomed to various movements otherwise unknown to him/her. The standing asanas correct the structure and the posture of the person and develop the sense of balance and proper weight distribution. The practitioner begins to acquire the required co-ordination and learns to link the movements of the joints of the body. They learn the various movements of muscles such as· contraction, extension, expansion, abduction, rotation, adduction and circumduction.’
Iyengar Geeta, Basic guidelines for teachers
The material in this subject is not intended for the learning of asanas as this is the role of a teacher. The 10-week subject brings together a diverse range of material including Video extracts from conventions, articles, audio class recordings and book extracts to deliver a literature review. An individual may elect to enrol more than once at different points in time to revisit or revaluate the content. Enrolment periods are not extended
This subject is best broken into weekly segments for review so as to best digest the material. For example, a video may be viewed 2 or 3 times across a week prior to practice or an article printed to read during the evening before the next day’s practice.
By listening to our teachers in their own words we reflect on our own understanding. By hearing the different ways our teachers present their work during different conventions and events we are exposed to the depth and breadth of our system