This subject is under development and will become available in 2022. It looks to provide a diverse range of resources for students who wish to delve deeply into the subject area.
‘The twists are very effective in relieving backaches, headaches, and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. As the trunk turns, the kidneys and abdominal organs are activated and exercised. This improves the digestion and removes sluggishness. The spine becomes flexible and the hips move more easily’,
Yoga the Iyengar Way
The material in this subject is not intended for the learning of asanas as this is the role of a teacher. No online material can ever replace a teacher’s role to inform, guide and correct the understanding of a student. This understanding gained through experience guides a student to their own experiential knowledge.
The subject brings together a diverse range of material including articles in pdf form as well as Video extracts from conventions and RIMYI. The material is provided as a literature review and study across the period of your enrolment.
You are encouraged to watch and then practice to the material to develop an intimate understanding of what is being taught. You may watch each segment many times and may be digested by focusing on one part per week