Introducing the Antarayas


Many people would like to take their practice of Yoga beyond the classroom and start a regular practice.   For many, establishing a regular practice away from the classroom and independent of other instruction, or a self directed practice is aspirational.  Despite good intentions it can be very difficult to take the initial steps to commencing a self directed practice or ‘Sadhana’. 

Within the Yoga Sutras, Patantanjali identifies nine obstacles to practice.  The obstacles are known as the Antarayas.  The obstacles or Antarayas are universal and experienced by all who seek to commence a Sadhana.   In the video below you will look at the Antarayas in more detail and start to consider how they are relevant to starting a practice.

Watch the following video for an introduction to the Antarayas. 

The following extract from BKS Iyengar’s Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali lists the Antarayas and provides a description of each. 

Once you have read the extract, you can check your learning via the quiz below.  Make sure you are familiar with the concepts covered within the extract and the content above before proceeding to the quiz.