Understanding Gunas Part 2

Video 2

Watch the following video for an example of observing attributes and the Gunas within an asana.   

When you have finished watching the video you can proceed to the practice exercise.

Practice Exercise – Trikonasana

In this practice exercise you will practice Uttitha Trikonasana and consider some the sensations within the body. 

Part 1 – Go to Trikonasana on the right hand side and hold for between 10 to 15 breaths.  As you enter the pose consider the following:

  • What is the dominant sensation within the body?
  • Which arm is lighter and which is heavier?
  • Which leg is lighter and which is heavier?
  • Do these sensations change as you hold the asana?

Repeat on the left hand side and notice if there is a difference. Enter your observations in the quiz below