‘Imprinting is the act of placing a set of images or experiences in the storehouse of our impressions. This body of experience allows us to access something greater than the stretches and breathing exercises. These practices are the vehicle by which we experience directly and clarify our perception’.
Goode A, Yogic Imprinting, www.yogamandir.com.au
It is important to have a copy of Light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by BKS Iyengar to hand as you will be asked to go to sections of the text to read longer extracts from the book as a way to orientate yourself to a deeper level of comprehension.
The subject is in 5 parts and contains articles, videos and quotes. It is advisable to not rush through our subjects consuming the content quickly: apply a reflective mode where you might read an article prior to or immediately after practice. Where quotes are used they are often accompanied by an extract of the text. Look up other quotes used (as they often have the source and page noted) and read a fuller portion of the text. You might consider covering one part of the subject each week. T-Ph22 is a lifetime enrollment.