Alan Goode. Presenter

Alan Goode is a highly respected yoga teacher whose work deeply integrates Yoga and spirituality. Based in Canberra, Australia, Goode has been a dedicated practitioner and teacher of Iyengar Yoga for over four decades. His journey into Yoga began in 1975, and he has since become one of the foremost authorities in the Iyengar tradition, known for its emphasis on connecting body, breath, and mind. 

Goode’s approach to Yoga transcends the physical practice, delving into its profound spiritual dimensions. He believes that Yoga is not just a set of physical postures but a holistic discipline that fosters inner awareness and spiritual growth. His teachings emphasise the importance of exploring the inner world as we move through the layers of mind, ego and use the intelligence to explore consciousness and the nature of what it is to be human.

As the director of Yoga Mandir in Canberra, Goode has created a refuge for students to explore the depths of their practice. His commitment to teaching is evident in his meticulous and compassionate approach, guiding students through the intricacies of each asana while encouraging them to connect with their inner selves. He regularly communicates with his students, providing insights and updates on upcoming events and classes.

Alan Goode’s contributions to the field of Yoga are profound, inspiring countless individuals to pursue a path of self-study and spiritual evolution. Through his teachings, he continues to illuminate the transformative power of Yoga, helping students integrate its principles into their daily lives.

Alan Goode – BKS Iyengar and the study of consciousness .mov


Conference statement

My father was a catholic and towards the end of his life I would visit him and we would walk together to his local church where he would kneel and pray. I would sit quietly beside him and observe the touch of my breath, allowing the stillness to pervade my being. I could feel the weight of his life ending and yet the raw honesty of this fact that sat with us both was simple and direct. Fears and uncertainty were present but there was no illusion or story to overlay the moment. Later, I sat with him as his life ended.

At these moments we are both humbled and we come close to something essential in each human being. We touch a universal regardless of the name. whether God, Brahman, cosmic consciousness. 

A short description for your presentation

An inward path. The path of practice takes us into ourselves and we move beyond the variables of the thought process, to touch something more essential. Practice is both evolution as well as involution.

Conference Interview

During the conference an extended interview was recorded with each presenter, discussing their motivation and understanding. These interviews will be released in the full program version in the coming period.

Poem, image or reading

Dear God,

We give thanks for places of simplicity and peace. Le t us find such a place within ourselves. We give thanks for places of refuge and beauty. Le t us find such a place within ourselves.

We give thanks for places of nature’s truth and freedom, of joy, inspiration and renewal, places where all creatures may find acceptance and belonging. Let us search for these places: in the world, in ourselves and in others. Let us restore them. Let us strengthen and protect them and let us create them.

May we mend this outer world according to the truth of our inner life and may our souls be shaped and nourished by nature’s eternal wisdom.


Leunig M, A common Prayer