This subject provides a range of audio class recordings and class notes for practice enquiry along with articles to explore Abhyasa and Vairagya (action and dispassion). Access is for a 10 week period from enrolment. Thus, a student may practice to one recording per week to cover the material in the timeframe or using the recordings twice per week to cover the content twice.
Study Focus subjects (SF-1 to SF-08) are configured through the following modes: Learn/ Study/ Practice
- in the Learning mode we review the details and definition of an area of enquiry
- in the Studying mode we look at details and nuance whilst hearing from the teachers of our lineage
- the Practicing mode focuses on doing where individuals practice to recorded sequences recorded by Alan Goode
In light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali BKS Iyengar writes
‘Mahatma Gandhi did not practise all the aspects of yoga. He only followed two of its principles—non-violence and truth, yet through these two aspects of yoga, he mastered his own nature and gained independence for India. If a part of yama could make Mahatma Gandhi so great, so pure, so honest and so divine, should it not be possible to take another limb of yoga asana—and through it reach the highest level of spiritual development? Many of you may say that performing an asana is a physical discipline, but if you speak in this way without knowing the depth of asana, you have already fallen from the grace of yoga’.[1]
BKS Iyengar
[1] Iyengar BKS, Tree of Yoga. Depth of Asana p.46