The practice of Kriyayoga is given by Patanjali in the second chapter for students of moderate means. This practical approach helps us transcend our volatile nature and enter the present moment through practice.
Kriyayoga is made up of application (Tapas), self-study (Swadhyaya) and surrender (Isvara Pranidhana). This subject explores the Kriya and its significance within our system of practice along with the question of isvara (god).
In ‘Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’, Iyengar says:
‘The conjunction of effort, concentration, and balance in asana forces us to live intensely in the present moment, a rare experience in modern life. This actuality, or being in the present, has both a strengthening and cleansing effect: physically in the rejection of disease, mentally by ridding our minds of stagnated thoughts or prejudices; and, on a very high level where perception and action become one, by teaching us instantaneous correct action; that is to say, action which does not produce reaction. On that level we may also expunge the residual effects of past actions’.
The subject is in 10 parts and applies the Learn/Study/Practice modes due to the subject focal area. Kriyayoga is a practical subject and our mode of engagement is therefore practical.
It is advisable to not rush through our subjects consuming the content quickly. Apply a reflective mode where you might read an article prior to or immediately after practice. Where quotes are used they are often accompanied by an extract of the text. Look up other quotes other (as they often have the source and page noted). A copy of Light on Yoga Sutras is advised as you will be directed to read longer portions of the text. You might consider covering one part of the subject each week. T-Ph03 is a lifetime enrollment.